Tuesday, February 16, 2010

back to work

Today felt pretty good- until I looked at my points at the end of the day- and I was already at 20! That left 12 more for dinner. Which is fine, except that I have been a snack master the last few days- especially in the evening.

But. I was able to man up and make dinner for a total of 8. Yay me. It was VERY vegetable-y. Broccoli, peas and corn, and carrots. Totaling in 2 points. U.A.

Planning to go work out here in a minute- but I'm watching the end of Enchanted with my mom.

Weigh-in tomorrow. I'm pretty nervous. My goal is to be at 10 pounds tomorrow. Which would mean I had to lose 2.2 pounds. Not sure if I have that in me. I'm hoping! Gotta get a lot of water in tonight- did NOT even get close to what I need at school today. It's funny how being at home has it's benefits (drinking lots of water) and it's drawbacks (snacking incessantly)- and school has them too. School's benefits are not tempted to snack at all. I can't. I'm in the classroom. I eat what I brought. But I drink like two sips of water during the day. It's terrible.

Weigh in tomorrow!! Ahh!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the weigh-in girl!! I just finished commenting on Tina's blog at Fat Girl Dives In, right behind your comment. Did you know she lives in Atlanta, too?? Awesome!! Our little Atlanta Club....only the COOL people, like us, of course ;)
